Why Thyroid Optimization Matters

No wellness regimen is complete without adequate attention paid to the thyroid – the all-important butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the throat.  When all is well with the thyroid, the body’s metabolism hums along at optimal speed and the cells have plenty of energy to burn supplied by the mitochondria; when things go wrong, thyroid dysfunction can trigger … Read More

HGH-Boosting Ipamorelin For Optimized Athletic Performance

Athletes and anti-aging specialists alike rely on Ipamorelin – either as an individual supplement or in conjunction with another peptide such as CJC-1295 – to boost endogenous human growth hormone (HGH) levels. In athletes and active individuals with sub-par HGH levels, Ipamorelin has the proven potential to enhance performance (as well as, more broadly, health-promoting benefits). I’ve you’ve been striving … Read More

Thyroid Imbalance Symptoms

Thyroid disorders are incredibly common among US adults. Up to 12% of Americans, in fact, will develop a thyroid condition at some point in their lives.  In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about the thyroid, the effects of a thyroid imbalance, and how to reclaim your quality of life if you are one of the millions … Read More

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) For Men

Testosterone deficiency (alternatively known as “low T”) is a public health disaster for American men of all ages; our levels have fallen drastically in recent decades and will likely continue to plummet without corrective action.  Let’s get into the symptoms and causes of low testosterone and, most importantly, what assistance BEYOND HEALTH can offer to boost your levels and restore … Read More

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Women (and How to Treat It)

Hormone imbalances often cause devastating physical, mental, and emotional symptoms in women who experience them. In 2020, you no longer have to accept hormonal deficiencies as a “normal” part of the aging process. A woman can experience the often-devastating effects of a hormone imbalance at any time in her life, but she is especially likely to show signs of the … Read More

Mental Symptoms in Women With Hormone Imbalance

The mental health aspect of hormone imbalance in women is often under-emphasized due to the common belief that the condition only causes physical symptoms like hot flashes, osteoporosis, or painful sex.  Concerns over the impact of unbalanced hormones on women’s mental health (typically experienced during menopause) deserve considerable attention.  In addition to affecting quality of life in the present, untreated … Read More

Is 5-Amino-1MQ Only For Weight Loss

As an affordable addition to any supplement regime, with remarkable “bang for your buck” and very little downside in the way of safety risk, 5-Amino-1MQ (5-amino-1methylquinolinium) packs a powerful punch for athletes looking for a competitive edge.  Although 5-Amino-1MQ is perhaps best-known for its ability to promote healthy weight loss in obese individuals, its performance-enhancing benefits extend beyond that limited … Read More

Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms in Women With Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is a debilitating condition that negatively affects the adrenal glands and the endocrine system (hormone system) as a whole. Women are disproportionately affected by adrenal fatigue compared to men.  Here, we’ll introduce adrenal fatigue, its causes and symptoms, and natural, proven methods for correcting the issue – including bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).   What Is Adrenal Fatigue? … Read More

Emotional Symptoms of Women With Hormone Imbalance

Experiencing turbulent emotions is common for women with hormone imbalance – especially during the challenging periods of perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause that typically begin between the ages of 45-55.  If you are a woman who is experiencing any of the negative emotional symptoms discussed later on, you might have a hormone imbalance.  Through professionally-guided bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), millions … Read More

Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy Help Aging Women

Many people associate testosterone supplementation with men’s anti-aging care, but this androgen is also vital for the well-being of the fairer sex. While it’s true that women have, on average, 10-20 times less testosterone than men, the male sex hormone testosterone nonetheless plays a critical role in women’s health.  To maintain optimal health across time, women must keep their testosterone … Read More